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    Crafts Do It Yourself

    How to Make your own Heat Packs

    January 10, 2016
    Do it yourself Heat packs

    Heat packs are great to help you warm up on a cool day or soothe tired aching muscles.

    If you’re like me and always cold, heat packs will be your best friend. I keep one in my desk at work for those days my back aches from sitting all day. I just pull it out and pop it in the microwave for about 2 minutes. It has saved me from long work days. I used to use Magic Bags, but found the smell bothered me (they smell like stale oatmeal) and the pieces of rice can be surprisingly heavy and sharp. They seem simple enough to make, so I thought why not change the material, change the seeds and add a fragrance to make it your own!

    Here’s my tutorial for how to make your own fragrant, lightweight heat packs on a budget!
    *They make great gifts!

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